The 404 module has received a security update for any version below v1.6!
If you are using this module on your website you are advised to upgrade the module as soon as possible!

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Some (live) statistics about this website

Total downloads: 235876 (all modules) - counting since 2012 -

Downloads per module (maintained)

ModuleCurrent versionTotal
MiniForm - v0.15.4 42335181
WBstats - v0.2.5.5 37724093
socialBaker - v2.12 27220851
Minigallery-V2 - v2.5.4 52212893
Reviews - v1.4.0 19248851
SysInfo - v0.4.1 13228167
CronCheck - v4.0 16927378
Bootstrap Multiple Columns - v1.2.3 17087205
Google Sitemap XML - v1.8.8 16286438
MiniHero Banners - v0.6 3906212
GlobalBlocks - v1.1 24505325
ShortURL - vv4.0 38985204
MiniPopup - v0.5 8124628
Bakery Payment plugin for Mollie - v1.1 12384366
Secure Admin - v0.3.0 5084202
SectionPicker - v0.29 33443344
Smart Image - v0.1.3 3552912
MiniHero Video Banners - v0.2 16092585
Backgroundslider - v0.1 22602260
Minislides - v1.0.4 3772237
Numbers - v1.1.2 5102116
Jobs - v2.2.1 20642064
Force Password Change - v1.0.0 14041404
MiniExitPopup - v0.1 12831283
LogRotate - v0.1.0 761761
CleanOldData - v1.0 478478
MiniCompare - v1.0 300300
404 - v1.6.1 5189

Downloads per module (experimental scripts and modules)

ModuleCurrent versionTotal
Minify - v1.7.3 1366763
Google Fonts Loader - v0.5 1751571
Google Reviews - v1.1 148267

Downloads per module (outdated modules)

ModuleCurrent versionTotal
MiniGallery - v0.5 22429378
Portfolio - v0.1 39338108
MiniSlider - v0.2.1 21016216
wBanner - v0.1.10 11394888
MultiPartPages - v0.1.6 8503928
ImageFlow - v0.7.6 21362136
PHPinfo - v0.1 21282128
IsMobile - v0.5 18631863
MiniCounter - v0.23 17811781
UsersOnline - v0.1 16581658
PageTags - v0.17 13631363
LatestNews - v0.22 10011001

Recent downloads

CronCheck about 39 minutes ago
CronCheck about 1 hour ago
socialBaker about 1 hour ago
CronCheck about 2 hours ago
MiniHero Banners about 3 hours ago
wBanner about 4 hours ago
MiniSlider about 4 hours ago
Minigallery-V2 about 7 hours ago
LatestNews about 10 hours ago
ImageFlow about 11 hours ago

WebsiteBaker modules developed

Free community modules 49
Commercial projects 179
Total versions released (all modules)867

Visitors (no bots - recorded since 2013)

Visitors 293488
Pageviews 770860
Downloads 235876
Searchengine robot pageviews2319133

Donations received

A very big thank you to all donors!! It is good to see my work is appreciated, and it will keep me motivated to create more in the future..

2010 1 € 10,00
2011 2 € 50,00
2012 5 € 105,00
2013 5 € 265,00
2014 7 € 185,00
2015 7 € 313,45
2016 6 € 180,00
2017 10 € 335,00
2018 6 € 380,00
2019 4 € 255,00
2020 4 € 180,00
2021 4 € 55,71
2022 8 € 419,00
2023 2 € 52,00
2024 7 € 440,00